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EMUC-B202-W3 Dual CANopen, mPCIE
219,63 EUR 175,00 EUR
- Support CANopen high layer protocol
- Support baud rate 100/125/250/500(default)/800/1000K
- Support CAN message acceptance filter
- Keep configuration after hardware reboot
- Up to 6000 CAN messages per second (receive data)
- Support Listen-only mode
- Additional driver to support Linux SocketCAN
- Termination resistor enabled/disabled by jumper
- Complies with EN61000-4-5 2.5kV Surge protection
- Complies with IEC 60950-1:2005 + A1: 2009 + A2:2013 2.5kV HiPOT protection
- Complies with EN61000-4-2 (ESD) Air-15kV, Contact-8kV
- Supports 3rd mounting hole and USB Pin header for out-of minicard installation
- Supports -40 to +85 degrees