Input Voltage: 85~264VAC
Input Frequency: 47~63Hz
Input Current: 3A at 115VAC or 1.5A at 230VAC
Inrush Current: < 30A at 115VAC input or < 60A at 230VAC input, under 24°C cold start
Load Range: With all output at 60% rated load, +5V is between 4.95V and 5.05V. All other outputs are within the accuracy range. Effective so long as the max. load does not exceed 90W continuous convection cooling
Ripple And Noise: Peak to peak ripple and noise for each output is < 1% of each output's voltage at rated load
Line Regulation: < +/-1% for rated load with +/-10% change in input voltage
Load Regulation: < +/-1% for +5V and < +/-5% for all other outputs
Hold Up Time: > 16ms at 115VAC input and rated load
Efficiency: > 70% measured at nominal line and rated load
Altitude: 10,000 feet
Protection Built-in crowbar circuit. Trip point is between 5.7~7V. AC line off and on cycle for over voltage recovery and restart hiccup mode protection against short circuit or over load condition
Temperature: Operating: 0~50°C forced air 30CFM needed when output > 80W
Storage: -40~+85°C
Connectors: AC Input: Molex 5273-05A withdraw 2-pin or equivalent device
DC Output: Molex 5273-12A or equivalent device
Dimensions: 7.0 x 20.0 x 3.8 cm at tolerance +/-0.4mm
Pin Output
1~3 +5V
4~7 GND
8~9 +12V
10 -12V
11 +24V
12 N/C
Safety Standards
Safety: UL 1950, CSA 22.2 No.234, VDE EN 60 950
EMI: FCC Class B, EN55022B
EMS: Level 3 of IEC-802, 803, 804, 805